Smart Weighting Software


  • Data Entry for All Users, Clients, Vehicles, and Items
  • Print a weight card that includes the following information
      1. Vehicle number
      2. Driver’s name
      3. Weight type number (In/Out)
      4. Client name
      5. City name
      6. First weight
      7. Second weight
      8. Net weight
      9. Entry time and date
      10. Exit time and date
      11. Notes
  • Create reports with the ability to combine multiple search criteria into the same report and export it to Excel. You can review the stored data and print a specific card that was previously saved. The program can be configured to work with any type of printer (LASER – DESK JET – DOT MATRIX).
  • The program automatically works with any weight reading device that has an RS232 serial connection or Ethernet. This solution is available with Access DB
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